
You know the story of David and Goliath.  David, a young shepherd boy walks through the Valley of Elah.  Awaiting him is a giant who taunts him every step of the way.

Goliath is huge and imposing.  Even the most skilled soldier in Saul’s army wants nothing to do with Goliath.  He stands 9 feet tall; the armor he wore would probably crush the average man.  In addition he carried a sword, shield, and spear that we would have trouble lifting, not to mention throwing.  He was afraid of no one, especially this annoying shepherd boy.

David comes with only a sling in his hand; in his pouch a few rocks from a dry stream bed were carefully selected.  No armor, no sword, no long javelin like spear, and no shield; a mere gnat in the eyes of Goliath.

It seems like a humorous joke to even contemplate.  Casting Crowns in their song titled “Nobody” states, “David brought a rock to a sword fight.” But was that all he brought?

After all the taunting from Goliath and his booming voice that fills the entire valley, David gets close enough he finally responds, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord almighty…”

David brought much more than a rock to this sword fight; he brought God with Him!

David trusted in the Lord, he trusted that God would deliver him.  After all, God delivered him many times when he faced lions and bears after his sheep and killed them with his sling.  Now Goliath is after his people, God’s people, and David has faith in God to deliver him.  David saw this more as God overcoming this threat than him. 

David understood why he was called to this place – because he had learned to trust God.  We’ve been talking a lot in church about sharing our faith and how “analysis paralysis” always seems to get in our way.  We think of 100 reasons why we can’t and why we won’t be successful.

The song “Nobody” expresses the fear that often keeps us from sharing our story, our faith in Jesus with others.  When we look at the Bible and who God chooses, we fit right in.  Here is a part of the chorus, and here is a link if you want to listen to the whole song:

I’m just a nobody trying to tell everybody
All about Somebody who saved my soul

Know that God chose you and me (nobodies) to share Jesus with somebody.  You may think you are only bringing a rock to a sword fight, but we know how that turned out – remember you come armed with the Holy Spirit of Jesus!!!

Share your story of how Jesus saved you!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brett