December 19 “God Loves Misfits”

For those of you who have a good memory this may sound somewhat familiar from last year’s December Crossroads…

I’m kind of on a theme here of Christmas Specials.  All of us have watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. There are two scenes where they go to the “island of misfit toys.”  Toys that are broken, missing something, a “train with square wheels,” a “Charlie in the Box,” a “bird the swims,” or a “cowboy who rides and ostrich.”   

Every time I watch this, I can’t help but think at some level, we are all misfits in need of rescue.  We all have our problems; some  lack patience, some have addictions, some are judgmental, etc… we all know where we fall short of God’s standard in Christ.  The truth is, all of us are sinful and in need of rescue.  God knew this and He sent his Son, Jesus, to rescue us.

Like the toys, we have a tendency to want to distance ourselves from misfits. Do we avoid the people we identify as misfits; do we keep them at a distance?  Do we “place them on an island” by themselves?  Everyone on this earth does that, with the characteristics defined differently for each person.

These toys also had the problem of looking down on themselves, who would want to play with us? So they banished themselves to an island.  Just like the toys, we even think of ourselves this way. We sit in church and focus on our flaws rather than our gifts.  We think we know what the “perfect Christian” is and we lose sight of what we have to offer. 

We think we can’t sing – we can’t praise God because we don’t have perfect pitch – because we don’t have a great voice (It doesn’t matter – just ask anyone who has heard me sing)… Make a joyful noise to the Lord!!

Have you ever heard: I’m afraid to share my faith because I don’t know enough and someone might ask me a question I can’t answer, I’m not comfortable speaking in public (Moses anyone), I know I’ll make a mistake…  Just love them and pray for God to open their heart to Jesus.

The truth is, we are all broken, we all have our faults and God knows this.  God wants us not to be paralyzed by our faults, but to use them to show others the way to Him.  Each and every one of us is critical to the functioning body of Christ and capable of reaching someone for Jesus because of what makes us a misfit.

Drop the misfit feelings and allow God to mold you; allow God to take all your perceived flaws and shortcomings and use them for His glory.

Prayer: Father, what a blessing to know you love us even with all our faults.  Thank you for opening our hearts to Jesus and the Good News in Him. Awaken us to see that You love us and see right through our faults, for Jesus has washed us clean.  It is His name we pray, Amen.

With Christ’s Love, Your Misfit Pastor!

One thought on “December 19 “God Loves Misfits””

  1. We need to hear this each day of the year. Not only do we need to accept our shortcomings, we need to accept others as they are.

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