December 15 “Teamwork”

There is a story about two men riding a tandem bicycle. They were ascending a long steep hill. After great effort, they finally reached the top of the hill and they stopped for a minute to catch their breath and get a drink.  The front rider turned around and said, “That was one tough climb.”  The second rider replied, “Sure was, had I not kept riding the brake, we might have slipped backwards.”

Do we ever do that in life?  Do we ever look at circumstances and solutions differently? 

I laugh at the picture of one person straining at the pedals and the other straining at the brake, both thinking they are doing the right thing. 

We face challenges in life with our spouses, our co-workers, our friends, and our family.  We often look at these challenges differently.  Some people when faced with challenges want to peddle right through them, looking up toward the goal ahead and willing to take a chance to make it happen.  Yes, we might find ourselves straining, we might even lose ground, or worse yet crash. Those thoughts cause some people to apply the brakes, not wanting to take the risk for fear of slipping backwards. The struggle is this, if one is always applying the brakes, one doesn’t get very far or it requires the person in the front to work three times as hard to make things happen. 

Our faith is like that too.  While everyone often shares and desires the same goals; when facing the hill or perceive obstacle, some peddle while others hit the brakes.

Jesus faced this uphill climb; sometimes the disciples wanted to hold him back.  Remember Peter who recognized Jesus as being the Messiah and Jesus called him the rock upon which He would build His church.  The next minute Peter was holding Jesus back, saying that Jesus must never endure suffering and death.  Peter didn’t realize that Jesus was going to have to endure the cross on the hill in order for salvation to come.  Peter wanted to hit the brakes, but by faith Jesus went to the cross knowing it was the only way.  Peter couldn’t see God’s plan, he only saw the cross.  The same thing happened with Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration; Peter didn’t understand what was happening and wanted to build three tents and just stay there, but Jesus knew there was much to do.

This is the Christian faith, it requires action.  The church did not grow without sacrifice, we know that from Jesus and the work of the disciples. 

Prayer: Father, we are grateful that Jesus strained at the pedals overcoming our sin.  Thank you for the example of the disciples who after being taught, encouraged, and given the presence and power of the Holy Spirit did the same.  As we prepare to meet Your Son, help us to take our feet off the brakes.  Father, forgive us when we make you merely a co-pilot in our life, for you must be the pilot always.  Help us to follow your lead in the front of the bike and pedal with you from the rear.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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