December 13 “Prepare the Way of the Lord”

I remember the first play I ever saw in Chicago.  I was on our performing arts group senior trip.  We went to see “Godspell.”  I can still picture John the Baptist coming in and singing, Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord. I could not get that song out of my head – I think I sang that for weeks. The lyrics were difficult to memorize, it repeats the phrase “prepare ye the way of the Lord” twelve times. 

I caught myself singing this song just yesterday and I thought, what am I doing singing this song of Lent in the middle of Advent? Most of us have Christmas carols, songs, and hymns on our lips this time of year. 

Usually we think of John the Baptist at Lent.  In reality though, this song fits great with Advent. After all, we are preparing room in our lives for Jesus. 

It is funny to think of us being in the wildness with John the Baptist, but that is exactly where we are right now.  On the one hand we are forgiven, we celebrate Jesus’ birth and live in hope because of His love.  We have been redeemed, our sins have been forgiven and we live in that right now.  We still find ourselves in the wilderness because as we look around us, we see the stark reality of this world.  Things on the earth are not perfect, and in this wilderness we are called to stay vigilant, for Jesus will return.

There is a little known Advent Hymn, “Bride of the Lamb” and the first three verses certainly convey this thought well of active Advent waiting, preparing the way of the Lord.

Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!

Why sleep for sorrow now?

The hope of glory, Christ, is thine,

A child of glory thou.


Thy spirit, through the lonely night,

From earthly joy apart,

Hath sighed for One that’s far away

The Bridegroom of thy heart.


But see!  The night is waning fast,

The breaking morn is near;

And Jesus comes, with voice of love,

Thy drooping heart to cheer.

Prayer:  Father, we cry out to You now.  Hear our voices singing your praises, preparing the way of the Lord in our hearts – both today and tomorrow.  We look forward to the day when we will see your face and gather together as one church to celebrate our wedding supper with you.  Help us to see Your light shining out calling us in the midst of our busy days.   Come Lord Jesus.  Amen

Enjoying preparing with you,  Pastor Brett

2 thoughts on “December 13 “Prepare the Way of the Lord””

  1. We are preparing the way for the Bridegroom of our hearts. That song (poem) speaks volumes! Amen!!

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