December 11 “God’s Belief in Us”

Wayne Brouwer in his book “Being a Believer in and Unbelieving World” shares the writing about a women honored by her company. She was attending an awards banquet with roughly 3000 people from the company she worked for.   She walked to the podium to receive the company’s top honor and stood with the trophy smiling, but in reality she was focused on one person; her supervisor named Joan.  The award winner began to share that she had some difficult times years before; personal problems that caused her work to suffer.  This in turn caused many to steer clear of her, seeing her as a liability and going nowhere.  She felt like a loser and had gone to Joan several times with her letter of resignation. Joan would reply, let’s wait a little longer or let’s give this one more try; each time encouraging with words like, “I never would have hired you if I didn’t think you could handle it.” Encouragement one doesn’t often hear in an age where it is easier to cut your losses and move on.

At this point the award winner’s voice broke, tears streaming down her face, she said, “Joan believed in me more than I believed in myself.”

Brouwer suggests, “Isn’t this the message of the Gospel?” 

I must agree.  From the time of the Old Testament until now God always believed in His people.  God sent prophets to pursue, to discipline, to encourage and draw His people back to Him. Just when people were  likely giving up on themselves, God would draw them to Him.  When people thought God was gone, having not heard His voice for a long time, God sends Jesus Christ, His Son, to save the world.  God never gives up on us.

Have you ever found yourself in the same position where someone believes in you more than you believe in yourself?  I think we all have at one time or another. 

I hope this Advent Season we can all spent some time thinking about how much God loves us and believes in us.  I hope as well that we can all find some Joan in us and share our belief and encouragement with others who have little belief in themselves. 

Prayer: Father, thank you for believing in me even when I haven’t believed in myself.  Provide me an opportunity to be like Joan, who not only gave second and third chances to someone ready to give up on herself, but encouraged her all along the way and was rewarded.  Guide me through Your Holy Spirit living in me to be merciful and provide encouragement and hope to others in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

God’s Blessings to you, Pastor Brett