December 9 “Restored and Renewed”

The people of Israel had abandoned God’s ways for their own ways.  They had abandoned the one true God for idols and false gods (small g) and found themselves living in exile.  Isaiah 55 is written to God’s people in exile who were uncertain if God had abandoned them. For those Jewish people who sought to remain faithful while in exile, it had to be difficult.  There was no place to worship (no synagogue), no temple in which to sacrifice for forgiveness of sin; instead false gods (small g), idols, and false prophets abounded.  God wants them to have hope and Isaiah’s words (God’s Words) were intended to provide that hope.

So the question to ask is this: Do we ever wonder if God has abandoned us when we sin?  Do we ever think God has abandoned us when things aren’t going particularly well in our lives?  Today’s passage is meant to dispel those thoughts; to remind us that God wants us to be restored and renewed, especially during those times when we feel most alone. 

Through Isaiah, God tells His people who are in need to seek Him.  In other words, those very times when we seem most uncertain, when our sin makes us feel apart from God, God is there saying I’m here and I am close, come near to me. God is saying I am going to come to you, be with you, and restore you.

God uses images we are familiar with to express His promise of renewal, restoration and rebirth.  He says (Isaiah 55:10-11), “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My Word that goes out from My mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire.”

The rain and snow fall from heaven and provide water that will again give life.  Likewise the Word of God comes down from heaven to provide forgiveness and restoration. Yes, one day I will send the Messiah to earth to restore, renew, and forgive my people.  Jesus, the Word made flesh, came down from heaven and He did not return empty. He returned with ransomed sinners (the first being the criminal who was crucified with Him and confessed) after he took on the cross and accomplish exactly what the Father willed.  Through Christ we have been restored to God.  Please find peace knowing that God always seeks to restore us to Him.

Prayer: Father, thank you for never abandoning us even when we depart from You and Your Word.  Thank you for the blessing found in these words of hope.  Give us the courage to express this same hope to others by providing grace to everyone we know.

Grace and Peace, Pastor Brett