December 4, 2018 “Pondering Knowing God”

A friend from seminary, Jill Carattini writes in a BioLogos blog post “The Miracle of Light” on this date seven years ago; “The Christian story is about a God who goes out of His way to know and be known, to offer us His name, to call us by name, to show us He is worth knowing and loving.”  She goes on to ask the question; how is it that we should know God by name, or know the voice of the Son and how should we respond to a God that initiates this type of love?

Advent is the time when we are called to ponder questions like this.  God does go out of His way to make Himself known to us.  Sometimes we think of Jesus birth and the events surrounding it; but don’t stop to ponder the fact that Jesus left heaven for all this to occur.  Jesus came to earth to demonstrate, to show us as a suffering servant that God is gracious and loving and worth our love and commitment.

When we think of God (Creator of the heavens and the earth) it is overwhelming to ponder the love He has for a people who over the centuries continually reject Him.  Yes our God is worthy to know and love; we see that plainly in Christ’s love for us.

As I think about this and the response we should have to these questions; I’m drawn to Philippians 3:10-12; Paul writes, “I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.  Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”

Life in Jesus Christ will always be a journey of discovery as we ask questions like these and seek the answers in scripture.  The more we dare to humble ourselves and participate in His sufferings, the better we will know Him and His love for us.  Until we see His face when he calls us home or comes to earth to claim His bride, we will not know His love perfectly; but as we journey together, as we press on, Christ will hold us closer and reveal more of Himself to us.

Prayer: Father, I pray that you will draw me closer to you during this season of Advent.  Guide me by Your Holy Spirit as I seek to discover more about Your love for me.  Help me to see that I have not as Paul writes “attained the goal”.   Help me to see that seeking You and participating in Your ministry is the true goal of every Christian should strive to attain.  I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

Grace and Peace, Pastor Brett

2 thoughts on “December 4, 2018 “Pondering Knowing God””

  1. I never thought of this specifically: “God does go out of His way to make Himself known to us.” God is making special efforts to shown Himself to me – and all people.

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