December 2, 2018 – “Longing for Jesus”

Mike Bickle writes; “Within every human heart are deep cravings that cannot be ignored or denied – they must be satisfied.”

Each of these deep longings (desires) has been placed in us by our God, our creator.   One of those longings is relationship with Jesus Christ.  David expressed this desire in Psalm 82, verse 2: “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”

Mankind’s longing to be with God began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; they walked and talked with God.  I cannot imagine how they longed for that same relationship after being forced from the Garden and found they were separated from God.  I can only imagine how the disciples longed to have Jesus with them after He ascended into heaven as well.  That longing still exists in each of us; some recognize it and seek to fill it with a life lived in and for Christ, while others seek to fill that craving in different ways.

For Christians the Season of Advent is all about longing to be with Jesus; longing to celebrate His birth, longing for Jesus to be revealed to us through His Holy Spirit, and longing for Jesus to come to earth again.

While we should always be seeking God, there are special seasons when we are called to examine our lives and in this case how we are pursuing our desire to be with Jesus.  Advent, like Lent are two of those special seasons where we are called to seek God more deliberately.

I encourage you to read this blog, perhaps one by Rick Warren or another author, or pick one of the Gospels to read, contemplate, and then discuss your thoughts and questions with someone.  Ask God to reveal new opportunities to serve Him that will in turn draw you closer to Him.

Prayer:  Gracious God, help me to stop, to be still for 15 minutes each day during Advent.  During this time, reveal to me Your truth as I read Your Word and thoughts You inspire about it.  Open my heart to Your will for me in the coming year; ways in which you can draw me closer to You in serving others.  I long to be with You Lord Jesus, I long for You to be with all people on earth.  Come Lord Jesus, Amen.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brett

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